On Tuesday 29th September, Ebchester WI hosted its annual group meeting at Ebchester Community Centre.
Our Chairman, Leonie Ducker, gave a warm welcome to chairmen, secretaries and members of Castleside, Consett, Edmundbyers, Lanchester and Satley Women’s Institutes.
The evening began with a rendition of ‘Jerusalem’ by 60 Women’s Institute members.
Reports from each Institute were read and accepted.
The guest speaker for the evening was Louise Gidney who creates replica costumes of peasants. These costumes are often worn at medieval enactments at various historic settings around the region.
Sue Gibson, our Secretary, together with committee members Carole Edwards and Pat Storey modelled outfits portraying the working population from Roman times through to 1066. The garments were very warm and versatile but were a little itchy. The demonstration was very entertaining as well as educational.
The subject for the competition this year was a jar of homemade Raspberry Jam. The winner was Flora from Edmundbyers WI. The judge was Joyce Hutchinson, a retired Domestic Science teacher and long-standing member of Ebchester WI, who said ‘’the jam had a very good set’’.
During the Raffle draw which followed most groups were fortunate enough to take a share of the seven prizes. Guests then tucked into a pooled supper which was provided by Ebchester members.
Once replete, members were entertained by ‘Best of Fettle’, who created a ‘nice and easy’ atmosphere with local stories and songs from Tyneside. Everyone joined in the singing and a number of members acted out The Lambton Worm. The bold Sir John (Carole Edwards) won through and slayed the Worm.
The very exciting evening came to a finale with a rendition of ‘The Queen’.
Carole Edwards
Ebchester WI
30th September 2015